The point is not that one nation-state attacked another. It is precisely that the Caliphate attacked one of the cities in… let’s call it the Cosmopolis, the collection of cities that are the capitals of what was once Christendom.
Susannah BlackNovember 1, 2016
This article about the international order and preserving the nation-state system first appeared in the Spring 2016 issue of Providence‘s print…
Alan DowdOctober 27, 2016
Brueggemann’s Chosen? is an example of the one-sided propaganda which he says he deplores.
Gerald R. McDermottOctober 19, 2016
Opposition to today’s gender wars cannot be met simply by tradition or chivalry, but from Scripture.
Andrew T. WalkerOctober 5, 2016
The notion of retribution or punishment has long been the scourge of social science. Christian thinkers should develop the distinction between retribution and revenge or retaliation.
J. Daryl CharlesSeptember 29, 2016
Over the last ten years, scholars have shown deeper interest in applying the just war tradition to the extra bellum realm, especially to intelligence collection and surveillance.
Brian AutenSeptember 23, 2016
Twenty-three years ago today, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and PLO negotiator Abbas agreed to the Oslo Accords.
Robert NicholsonSeptember 13, 2016
Pessimism, paternalism, and pity are inappropriate responses to the present predicament of the people of Africa.
Gideon StraussSeptember 13, 2016
Bobo Lo’s Russia & the New World Disorder examines how the country’s internal politics and worldview impact its foreign policy choices. A dense and informative work that immensely rewards readers who have the patience to delve deeply, the book also makes the case for why Russia may struggle in the “new world disorder”.
Mark MeltonSeptember 2, 2016