Russia-Ukraine War (2022)

“Peace” Activists Sing Putin’s Song - Ukraine - Russia
“Peace” Activists Sing Putin’s Song

Today, after Russia has completely abjured socialist ideals, leftist “peace” movements promote Russian foreign policy narratives. What, then, motivates them?

Foreign Policy ProvCast, Ep. 73 | On the Looming Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Rebeccah Heinrichs)
Foreign Policy ProvCast, Ep. 73 | On the Looming Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Rebeccah Heinrichs speaks about the Russian threat to Ukraine. She gives an update of the latest situation and explains why Americans should be concerned.

Playing poker with a gangster

Though gangsters will strut, it is the God of all nations who will judge and dispose.

Responding to Russia’s Threat to Ukraine
Responding to Russia’s Threat to Ukraine

The US should continue to use public diplomacy so that the world does not get distracted and knows that Russia is the aggressor. But Washington must also be prepared with sanctions and other tools in case these efforts fail.

NATO Is Still Key to Keeping the Peace in Europe - Russia Ukraine
NATO Is Still Key to Keeping the Peace in Europe

With Ukraine languishing outside the safety of the NATO alliance, the consensus seems to be that there is little the alliance can do as Putin enforces his latter-day Brezhnev Doctrine. That consensus view is wrong.

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