The Americas

Extending the Hard Line with China
Extending the Hard Line with China

President Joe Biden’s China policy is coming into focus. As some of us predicted before his inauguration, he appears to be continuing the previous administration’s hard-line stance with Beijing—suggesting that the COVID-19 crisis marks a turning point akin to how the communist bloc’s attempt to seize West Berlin and South Korea solidified bipartisan commitment to waging the Cold War.

The Appeal to Heaven and Our New Civil War
The Appeal to Heaven and Our New Revolutionary War

One flag waving over the rioters at the US Capitol, emblazoned with a tree and the slogan “An Appeal to Heaven,” garnered particular attention as a symbol of so-called “Christian nationalism’s” effort to “take America back for God.”

Marksism – No. 36: Nations and Repentance

In this week’s episode, the editors discuss Bishop Timothy W. Whitaker’s article about how the nations appear in the Bible,…

Still the American Century
Still the American Century

America remains the world leader. This fact is naïve to reject and realistic to accept. It is the American Century still.

Edge of Darkness: A Review of Jacob Angeli One Mind at a Time: A Deep State of Illusion - QAnon
Edge of Darkness: A Review of Jacob Angeli’s One Mind at a Time: A Deep State of Illusion

This review essay shall concern, in all seriousness, One Mind at a Time: A Deep State of Illusion (2020), the political testament of Jacob Anthony Chansley, nom de plume Angeli, the “QAnon Shaman,” who successfully defiled the United States Senate floor with his horns, spear, and vociferous war cries.

Canceled… But Not for Long: A Review of Paul Matzko’s The Radio Right
Canceled… But Not for Long: A Review of Paul Matzko’s The Radio Right

Paul Matzko’s The Radio Right reveals how pioneering radio fundamentalists set in motion events that would transform both American political and religious life.

The Capitol Storming Epitomizes the Shift from a Religious to Post-Religious Right
The Capitol Storming Epitomizes the Shift from a Religious to Post-Religious Right

The Storming of the US Capitol reveals a shift from a primarily conservative and faith-driven religious right to an increasingly revolutionary and post-religious right.

Beware Playing the Counterterrorism Game at Home
Beware Playing the Counterterrorism Game at Home

As shocking as the January 6 lawlessness was, I was surprised how quickly people who should know better switched gears and called for some version of the Global War on Terror to be fought—not on some distant desert or foreign mountain top—but inside America against American citizens.

The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom
The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom

This perception in Latin America and elsewhere is very troubling and should worry American conservative Christians who care about international religious freedom.