
The Mixed Blessing of Brazilian President, Lula, in the Middle East

Brazil’s leftist president, Lula, spells better news for Israel.

Israel and Turkey Must Step Up

Turkey delays NATO membership for Sweden and Finland, and Israel ignores Ukraine’s desperate request for defensive arms.

The Tenacity of Armenians in the Holy Land

The Byzantine emperor, crusaders and Armenian nobility were statesmen, not theologians: their geopolitical situations guided their decision-making more than theological considerations.

Biden’s Saudi Visit was a Win for Americans

Threatening the US-Saudi partnership over of Saudi Arabian crimes would risk more American lives, cause greater conflict, and increase injustice and human suffering.

Marksism – No. 88: G.K. Chesterton, Flag Day, Israel, Niebuhr
Marksism – No. 88: G.K. Chesterton, Flag Day, Israel, Niebuhr

In this episode, the editors discuss Eric Patterson and Abigail Lindner’s about G.K. Chesterton and Flag Day, Gerald McDermott’s article about Jewish-Christian relations, and Reinhold Niebuhr’s editorial as the Marshall Plan emerged.

Good News in Jewish-Christian Relations
Good News in Jewish-Christian Relations

Are Christian Zionists destroying Jewish-Christian relations? Are they imposing their own political agendas on delicate political negotiations between Jews and Palestinians in Israel and undermining them in the process? Are they causing a new nadir in Jewish relations with Christians?

Temple Mount
Until Justice and Wisdom Embrace

Jerusalem is at the heart of tensions in Israel. The Temple Mount is at the heart of tensions in Jersusalem. Therein lies an opportunity.

The Negev Summit: Challenging Iran’s Grand Maritime Vision?
The Negev Summit: Challenging Iran’s Grand Maritime Vision?

The Negev Summit puts a question mark on Iran’s plan to use its navy for anti-access, area-denial (A2/AD) warfare against its adversaries.

Day 8: One for All - Yule Blog - Nations - Christmas
Day 8: One for All

The Christmas story suggests that we can somehow try to be loyal members of our nations, our families, our tribes—and to reach out to the broader human community of which we are also a part.