
Army of Psychologists Needed after Liberation in Mosul
Army of Psychologists Needed after Liberation in Mosul

The reconstruction team going into Mosul after liberation will need an army of psychologists who can treat the tens of thousands of people who have been traumatized.

Politics, Motives and Prisoners Obama Guantanamo
Politics, Motives and Prisoners

I believe Obama’s motives in trying to close Gitmo were to improve America’s image abroad. It’s sad that, even after eight years in office, he never gave those who opposed the closure of Gitmo the same benefit of the doubt.

O Captain My Captain Rex Tillerson Secretary of State
O Captain, My Captain

In a bipartisan vote, the Senate yesterday confirmed a captain of industry to steer our nation’s ship of state, Rex Tillerson, former Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil. The decision was a wise one.

Persecuted Prioritized Middle East Refugee Christian Yazidi Religious Persecution
We Must Prioritize the Persecuted

Prioritizing the most persecuted in refugee admissions is not only the right thing to do. It’s something we already do. Religious minorities, particularly Yezidis and Christians in Iraq and Syria, deserve the same priority status that is currently accorded to other groups facing unique dangers, including religious minorities in Iran and elsewhere, and Iraqis who assisted U.S. forces.

To End Another War: Safe Zones, Humanitarian Intervention, and American Interests
To End Another War: Safe Zones, Humanitarian Intervention, and American Interests

The Trump administration wasted little time in quelling fears of American isolationism last week when it announced its support for the creation of safe zones in Syria.

Did God Laugh at Trump’s Inauguration?
Did God Laugh at Trump’s Inauguration?

There wasn’t much laughing at Trump’s inauguration, but then presidential inaugurations are solemn affairs.

Shrunken Shadows and Broken Oaths Bradley Chelsea Manning Assange WikiLeaks
Shrunken Shadows and Broken Oaths

Some things need to be classified. And it’s not Bradley Manning’s or Julian Assange’s or Edward Snowden’s responsibility or right to determine what to declassify. That’s a job for Congress.

Hybrid Warfare: An Old Strategy with a New Name
Hybrid Warfare: An Old Strategy with a New Name

Following Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, the West has become fascinated with the term “hybrid warfare.” While the term appears to be relatively new, hybrid warfare itself is not a new strategy, nor is it a threat to be taken lightly.

China Sees Space on the High Moral Ground Xi Jinping Davos Switzerland World Economic Forum
China Sees Space on the High Moral Ground

At Davos on January 17, President Xi Jinping spoke of China’s determination to play a responsible role to “secure peace and reduce poverty.” Xi was applauded. Yet China abuses the fundamental human rights of its people, undermines international human rights institutions, and indeed subverts the very concept of individual human rights.