Just War 101

Just War 101 – E10: Necessity is Necessary

In war, “necessity” can be a reason to restrain fighting as well as a justification for it

prudence just war wisdom
Just War 101 — E9: Prudence; or, Reality (Sometimes) Bites

Just war morality demands that ethical judgements must take into account certain cold, unrelenting, and frustratingly immovable facts. Wisdom matters.

Just War 101 — E8: Right Intent

The last essential requirement for a just war is to have a properly oriented set of intentions. These include rescue, justice, punishment, peace, and victory

French destroyer leader Mogador burning after shellfire at Mers-El-Kebir on 3 July 1940.
Just War 101 — E7: Retributive and Distributive Justice

Just War encompasses two overlapping but distinct forms of justice. Complex questions of desert accompany both, sometimes tragically.

holocaust just cause
Just War 101 — E6: Just Cause

The presence of certain kinds of evil in the world–including aggression against the innocent–signal the possibility that war must be.

Just War 101 — E5: Proper Authority

The just war tradition offers a view of politics conceiving of sovereignty as a moral responsibility through the just causes of war can be met and overcome.

Just War 101 — E4: Spurs and Restraints: Overview of the JAB and the JIB

As should already be clear from this series’ first three essays (here, here, and here), the Christian realist just war…

Just War 101 — E3: Why The Big Ox Matters

Thomas Aquinas is a pivotal thinker — historically and conceptually — in the development of the Christian realist just war tradition

The Spirit and the Body in War
Just War 101 — E2: Two Presumptions, (Not) Alike in Dignity

The Christian realist just war tradition is primarily concerned with aiding reflection on how to meet the obligations of of love through, not despite, war