Marksism Video Series

Marksism – No. 65: Retribution, Terror, Sin, and German Elections

This week the editors cover Marc LiVecche’s article about retribution, Colin Dueck’s article about Reinhold Niebuhr, and Christian Forstner’s comments on the German election.

Marksism – No. 63: 9/11 Christian Realist Reflections

In this week’s episode, the editors discuss 9/11.

Marksism – No. 61: Niebuhr, Divine Judgment, and Afghanistan

In this week’s episode, the editors discuss a 75-year-old article by Reinhold Niebuhr in relation to events in Afghanistan.

Marksism – No. 60: Afghanistan, Calvinist Politics, Hiroshima

Mark Tooley & Marc LiVecche discuss Afghanistan, Calvinism & Hiroshima.

Marksism – No. 58: Drafting Women, Niebuhrian Inflation, Cuba, Afghanistan

This week the editors discuss Rebeccah Heinrichs’ article about drafting women, a 1946 op-ed on inflation, Mark Tooley’s article about Cuba, and Marc LiVecche’s article about Afghanistan.

Marksism — No. 57: North Korea, Killing Hitler, Disdaining America
Marksism – No. 57: North Korea, Killing Hitler, Disdaining America

In this week’s episode, the editors discuss Paulina Song’s article about the US travel ban on North Korea, a 1946 article explaining why the July 20 plotters tried to assassinate Hitler, and Mark Tooley’s book review focused on Henry Adams’ pessimistic view of America.

Marksism – No. 56: Cuba, Afghanistan & Democratic Piety

Mark Tooley and Marc LiVecche discuss Cuba, Afghanistan and providential optimism.

Marksism – No. 55: Cold War Christians, Patriotism, and International Religious Freedom
Marksism – No. 55: Cold War Christians, Patriotism, and International Religious Freedom

In this episode, the editors discuss a 1946 article arguing that the Soviet Union would no longer be America’s ally, a podcast about C.S. Lewis and patriotism, and next week’s International Religious Freedom Summit.

Marksism – No. 54: Rumsfeld, Democracy, and US Self-Understanding
Marksism – No. 54: Rumsfeld, Democracy, and US Self-Understanding

In this episode, the editors discuss Alan Dowd’s article about the US defending democracy abroad, an interview with Samuel Goldman about his book “After Nationalism,” and a reflection on Donald Rumsfeld from Marc LiVecche.