
Why are Turkey and Azerbaijan targeting Armenia and Greece?

The same ideology that motivated the 1913-23 Armenian genocide motivates Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s aggressions against Armenians, Greeks and other Christians.

The Tenacity of Armenians in the Holy Land

The Byzantine emperor, crusaders and Armenian nobility were statesmen, not theologians: their geopolitical situations guided their decision-making more than theological considerations.

Does Free Speech Exist in Turkey? - Osman Kavala
Does Free Speech Exist in Turkey?

The Turkish government struck another hard blow against civil society and human rights advocates in the country.

Olivia Enos Christianity & National Security Conference 2022

Olivia Enos’s lecture at the Christianity & National Security Conference, 2022. Olivia Enos discusses Christian persecution in Hong Kong, North…

The West’s Response to Genocide - Russia - Ukraine - Putin
The West’s Response to Genocide

Mass moral atrocities and genocidal tendencies have not lessened with the supposed end of the Cold War. If anything, they have increased.

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