Christianity & Crisis Archives

The Graveyard of Spirit in Central Europe
The Graveyard of Spirit in Central Europe

In this passionate piece written on December 14th, 1942, Christianity and Crisis contributor Joseph Hromadka argues that peace in Central Europe…

The Christian Church in the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century
The Christian Church in the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century

Francis P. Miller claims the church cannot stand by and optimistically assume that the state will pursue justice without the assistance of a religious ethic.

Hatred and Morale
Hatred and Morale

War and hatred should never be conflated, but it is easy for the two to become one when fighting immoral adversaries, such as the Islamic State or the Axis Powers. In this article, originally published on December 14, 1942, Christianity and Crisis editor Henry Smith Leiper refers to the latter.

The Western Man's Arrogance: Including the Former Colonies
The Western Man’s Arrogance: Including the Former Colonies

This thought-provoking article, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on November 30th, 1942, suggests that a better post-war world is one that includes the colonies of the Western powers (the nations that were colonies at the time of this piece’s writing). Editor Miner Searle Bates chides the Allied powers for excluding nations such as China and India in their post-war planning and argues that they deserve a seat at the table.

Christian Reconstruction in Europe: Responsible Rebuilding
Christian Reconstruction in Europe: Responsible Rebuilding

This timely article asserts a particular role for Christians in rebuilding Europe after World War II. Although the article was originally published in Christianity and Crisis by Roland Elliott on November 30th, 1942, it is relevant for Christians looking at the destruction in Syria today.

The End of the Beginning: Patience for Democracy's Leaders
The End of the Beginning: Patience for Democracy’s Leaders

This article, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on November 30th, 1942, urges citizens of democracy to have patience with their leaders. Editor Reinhold…

The Christian and the War: Fighting for Justice, not from Necessity
The Christian and the War: Fighting for Justice, not from Necessity

Reinhold Niebuhr refutes the argument that Christians are only allowed to pursue war for the purpose of self-defense. He asserts that a Christian’s willingness to fight should stem from a desire to seek and promote justice.

The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm
The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm

This article, highlighting the dangers of pacifism, was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on November 16th, 1942. Editor Henry Sloane Coffin…

Thoughts in Wartime England: In Praise of the British
Thoughts in Wartime England: In Praise of the British

This essay, written by Lynn Harold Hough for Christianity and Crisis on October 19, 1942, praises the quiet strength and steely courage of the British people throughout World War Two.

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