Christianity & Crisis Archives

The Vengeance of Victors
The Vengeance of Victors

There is no more dismal aspect of human history than the behavior of victors. However just their cause, they never fail to cast doubt upon its righteousness by the manner in which they exploit their victory.

The Chaplain Can Teach the Church
The Chaplain Can Teach the Church

“There is much for the chaplain to teach the church, as well as much instruction to be received from the church.”

“What Limits Has Freedom of Religion?” by Henry Smith Leiper
What Limits Has Freedom of Religion?

The following article by Henry Smith Leiper first appeared in Christianity and Crisis on July 9, 1945, and discusses how and why a state can legitimately limit religious freedom.

American Unity after Japan’s Surrender: A Reflection from 75 Years Ago
American Unity after Japan’s Surrender: A Reflection from 75 Years Ago

After Japan’s surrender 75 years ago, McCulloch implored Christians and governments to affirm “the dignity of the human person as the image of God” because this principle could determine the world’s fate.

Beware the Pride of Victors: Reinhold Niebuhr on Japan’s Surrender
Beware the Pride of Victors: Reinhold Niebuhr on Japan’s Surrender

“It was inevitable that the final surrender of Japan, ending the costliest war of human history, should be greeted with a delirium of joy all over the world, and in America particularly.”

Political Questions Are Not Irrelevant to Faith: A Reflection on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Martyrdom
Political Questions Are Not Irrelevant to Faith: A Reflection on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Martyrdom

Seventy-five years ago, Reinhold Niebuhr wrote this article reflecting on the martyrdom of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

A Christian View on Sovereignty

This article by Gerald Monsman from 75 years ago, originally titled “Reflections on Sovereignty,” addresses whether the United States should cooperate with other countries for the global good.

Why Americans Should Critique Their Government, Even When Others Are Worse

Christianity and Crisis published the following editorial by Reinhold Niebuhr on February 19, 1945. He explains not only why his publication criticized the United States’ foreign policies as the country fought Nazi Germany, but also why Christians should not have uncritical loyalty to the nation.

America’s Role in Global Peace: Reexamining John Foster Dulles’ 1945 Address
America’s Role in Global Peace: Reexamining John Foster Dulles’ 1945 Address

Understanding how Christian statesmen like John Foster Dulles viewed difficult foreign policy issues can help Christians respond to contemporary dilemmas.

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