Russian Orthodox Church

Dmitri Volkogonov: Historian of Soviet Lies

Dmitri Volkogonov’s histories contributed significantly to the delegitimization of the Soviet regime in the eyes of ordinary Russians by exposing the naked terror which underpinned the USSR.

Potemkin Pillages: Putin As Cultural Grave-Robber

When our own statue-toppling Western culture-warriors seek to empty our museums and metaphorically shoot busts of our own national heroes through the skull here at home, they should consider the implications. Revisionist culture-wars may one day prevent nations from defending themselves properly in real shooting-wars.

Is Putin Right To Call The West ‘Satanic’? 

For Orthodox Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, “Satanism” is really a synonym for entropy, or “the Evil that dissolves societies like a hydra with its many tentacles”.

Major U.S. and British Government-sponsored Summits Defend Global Religious Freedom

Two recently held major international conferences brought together thousands of religious freedom advocates and government officials to cooperate in taking concrete action to end religious persecution.  

Russia’s Invasion Violates Personhood, Not Just War Theory
Russia’s Invasion Violates Personhood, Not Just War Theory

While Orthodox Christianity lacks the historical tradition of just war theory to criticize war, it does have a theological resource it could draw upon to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: personhood.

Orthodox Geopolitics and American National Security - Russia - Ukraine - Church -War
Orthodox Geopolitics and American National Security

As the world turns its attention to Ukraine, the important but often neglected issue of Orthodox Christian geopolitics has received renewed interest from Western media.

Moscow’s Obsessive Ethnophyletism and Expansionism Destroying Orthodox Church Unity
Moscow’s Expansionism Is Destroying Orthodox Church Unity

It is past time for Orthodox leaders to consider how to address and prevent future rogue actions by Russia that aim to “overthrow the Church’s canonical order.”

Why Eastern European Conservatism Is Different
Why Eastern European Conservatism Is Different

The basic distinction between American conservatism and Eastern European conservatism lies in different attitudes toward freedom.

A Presbyterian in Orthodox Russia: Review of John Burgess’ Holy Rus’
A Presbyterian in Orthodox Russia: Review of John Burgess’ Holy Rus’

In Holy Rus’, Burgess shows what happens when a Calvinist who knows little about Russian Orthodoxy lives (temporarily) in Russia.

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