
Day 6: Personal Meaning - Yule Blog
Day 6: Personal Meaning

For believers, the question isn’t why there are presents under the tree. It is whether the love around the family circle speaks of a larger reality and in some way reflects the meaning inherent in the universe as a whole, or whether that happy Christmas morning feeling is nothing more than the biologically conditioned response of a collection of primates in a kinship setting.

Day 5: Meaning of Christmas - Yule Blog
Day 5: The Meaning of Christmas

Why do Christians and so many other people believe in an invisible Ruler and Creator of the universe—and then how does the Christian idea of God differ from the others?

Day 4: The Hinge of Fate - Holy Innocents’ Day
Day 4: The Hinge of Fate

Today, the third day after the orgiastic opening of the presents beneath the tree, is also the day that the traditional liturgical calendar tries to slap us into serious reflection on the meaning of the event, jolting us out of our turkey comas and eggnog overdoses with an unforgettably grim story.

Day 3: Born of a What??? - Virgin Mary - Yule Blog
Day 3: Born of a What???

Conventional manger scenes don’t show it, but besides the ox, the ass, the sheep, and the camels, there was another animal in the room at Christmas: an elephant. And the elephant in the room was the idea that Jesus’ mother was a virgin when He was born. A Yuletide blog that didn’t talk about the elephant wouldn’t be doing its job.

Day 2: Rolling the Credits - Yule Blog
Day 2: Rolling the Credits

As we start to look at this whole Christmas phenomenon, it makes sense to begin with the basics. The first questions any sensible person asks about Christmas are pretty straightforward: What event is this holiday supposed to commemorate, and do we know that it actually happened?

Day 1: Christmas Gift! - Yule Blog
Day 1: Christmas Gift!

The manger scene these days really is the face of Christmas for most people and, perhaps not surprisingly, it is one of the aspects of the season that keeps causing trouble.

What Four Men Found in Bethlehem
What Four Men Found in Bethlehem

In 1946, Walter Russell Bowie wrote the following Christmas story about fictional men who had been in Bethlehem on the night that Mary gave birth to Jesus.

The Fourteen Posts of Christmas: 2021–22 Edition - Yule Blog
The Fourteen Posts of Christmas: 2021–22 Edition

My generation and the generation before us inherited an enormous wealth of spiritual capital from a society shaped by hundreds of years of deep religious faith and engagement. Our environment was shaped by that wealth in ways that many of us did not understand; we took it for granted.

The Christmas Answer
The Christmas Answer

Our greatest need today is the certainty of God, the profound conviction that he does rule, that his righteousness and justice and love are imperishable.

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