
Islamic Relief Faces Ongoing Crisis, Despite British Whitewash
Islamic Relief Faces Ongoing Crisis, Despite British Whitewash

The warnings of the US State Department, the Netherlands, and others show quite plainly that times are changing. British foolishness may delay Islamic Relief’s reckoning, but it will not prevent it.

American Catholic Schools Need to Take Active Measures in the Fight Against Antisemitism - Tree of Life Synagogue
American Catholic Schools Need to Take Active Measures in the Fight against Antisemitism

The Catholic community has come a long way in its relationship with its Jewish brothers and sisters, but there is more to be done. American Catholics can no longer be passive in our fight against antisemitism; we must be active, and we can start in our Catholic schools.

Lela Gilbert joins Drew Griffin to discuss the latest reports of global antisemitism.
ProvCast Ep. 35: The Global Rise of Antisemitism — A Conversation with Lela Gilbert

Writer and author Lela Gilbert joins Drew Griffin to discuss the latest reports of global Anti-Semitism.

ProvCast Ep. 25: The Rise of Anti-Semitism

Providence Editor Robert Nicholson discusses the roots and the recent rise of anti-Semitism, and why this should concern Christians and Jews alike.

The Strange Gift of the Holocaust

The last time I cried was in 2013.  I was finishing a tour of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in…

A New Year’s Resolution, An Ancient Evil: Combatting Antisemitism in 2019

ANTISEMITISM IS NOT just a Jewish, Christian, or American problem. It’s a global problem, and Christians must stand up to confront it. But the best way to confront antisemitism is not by fighting it as some would urge us to do. “Anti-antisemitism” is redundant and nonsensical. Forcing anyone to like the Jews will never work. 

Anti-Semitism in British Politics Swings Left with Jeremy Corbyn
Anti-Semitism in British Politics Swings Left with Jeremy Corbyn

There has been a disturbing trend toward anti-Semitism in British politics.

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