Christian Ethics

Chaos Vancouver Riots
Chaos: The Fundamental Problem of Human Society

At any and every corner of personal and social life, the primary threat to human flourishing is the disordering of the human soul and social relations into self-centered, prideful, tribal, or sentimental factions. Chaos is a cancer that manifests itself within the soul of the individual and social relations when order disintegrates.

Why Not Draft Women
Why Not Draft Women?

Men and women are not the same, and treating them as if they were will not make them so.

Guantanamo Bay Gitmo
Debating How to Defend Ourselves

If Gitmo is “contrary to who we are,” to borrow Obama’s language, if EITs “caused immeasurable damage to the United States’ public standing,” to quote the Senate report, then what exactly is a drone war that metes out punishment based on guilt by association and amounts to execution without trial?

Women at War & the GOP

At the GOP debate on Saturday night, several of the GOP candidates endorsed the integration of women into direct combat units. They should not have.

The Just War as Christian Tradition

A Primer on Foundations: Justice, War, & the Protection of the Innocent

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Enthronement Ceremony
Three Cheers for the Archbishop of Canterbury & British Realism!

At the Church of England’s General Synod last November, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby delivered one of the most rousing calls to a truly Christian realistic approach to the civil war in Syria and the rise of Islamic radicalism in recent memory.

Korea, America & Providential Duty

Last week a delegation of delightful South Korean students visited our office.  They all stood respectfully when I arrived, took…

Early Church
“The Early Church on War and Killing” (Books & Culture, January-February 2016): A Response

On the complex moral issue of war, one might expect to find a diversity of views in the history of Christian thought. Ron Sider disagrees. He’s wrong.

Just War Against Islamic State ISIS
What a Just War Against the Islamic State Looks Like

Just war aims at peace. As Augustine argued, “Every man seeks peace by waging war, but no man seeks war by making peace.” We do not fight war for its own sake, or for revenge, profit, or prestige. The only conceivable rationale for waging war is to create a world of better, deeper, more lasting peace than the one that led to war in the first place.

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