
The Chinese Christians Fighting for Hong Kong

“If I suffer for the right cause, it only define[s] the person I am becoming. It can only be good for me to become a better person if I believe in the Lord.”

Fighting for the Right to Be Jewish: Religious Liberty and Government Establishment

A state-enforced sexual establishment parallels the kind of religious establishment dissenters have long sought to dismantle, and for sound reasons.

Queen Elizabeth’s Protestant Decency 

She upheld a central cluster of decency amid our world’s many horrors and dangers, for which thank God.

Considering Post-War Ukraine

Putin has failed to meet his objectives, but Ukraine has a difficult rebuilding process ahead, even with expected international support.

Queen Elizabeth’s “Brutal” Empire?

Queen Elizabeth represented the best of the British Empire: dignified, respectful, restrained, stable, transcending culture and time on behalf of timeless truths.

The Saudi Mirage of Religious Freedom

The Saudi monarchy is reigning in the Wahhabi religious establishment to solidify its power and stifle opposition.

The Principles of American Liberalism

A Patriotic Review of The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism, InterVarsity Press, 2022.

One Less Irony

Niebuhr realized that an overweening faith in the powers of human rationality was a severely misplaced and perpetual threat which has reemerged in 2022 America. 

A Christian Exhortation to American Citizens

Richard Mouw is an American, and he loves his country the most, according to his newly released How to be a Patriotic Christian: Love of Country as Love of Neighbor.

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