International Religious Liberty

Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws Promote Mob Murder Against Christians
Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws Promote Mob Murder against Christians

The Biden administration must follow in USCIRF’s steps and lead in the global campaign to repeal blasphemy laws, as it aims to prioritize human rights at the core of its foreign policy.

Ukraine and the Return to Decisive Western Leadership in International Affairs?
Ukraine and the Return to Decisive Western Leadership in International Affairs?

The Free World needs to rediscover its identity and its confidence as a global force for good, with lower thresholds for taking decisive, unified action, and greater attentiveness to “canary violations” like those against religious freedom.

America’s Empire of Nations - Ukraine - Russia
America’s Empire of Nations

Russia’s unwarranted aggression toward Ukraine has not only shattered the peace of Europe and unleashed a torrent of economic and physical destruction, but it has also thrown into stark relief the moral chasm between Russia and its rivals. As Putin dismembers Ukraine, he shows the importance and value of America’s empire of nations.

The Destruction of Christian Cultural Heritage
The Destruction of Christian Cultural Heritage

The crime of cultural heritage destruction has been committed against the same victims by the same perpetrators again and again—in Turkey, Cyprus, the South Caucuses, and the Middle East.

Olympic Boycotts: From Berlin 1936 to Beijing 2022

How should democratic governments, as well as Christian citizens, respond to an Olympics held in an authoritarian regime that holds a million Muslim Uighurs in forced labor camps, represses Christians and other religious minorities, and has clamped down on the once-free inhabitants of Hong Kong?

The Remarkable Baroness: A Review of Lela Gilbert’s Baroness Cox: Eyewitness to a Broken World
The Remarkable Baroness: A Review of Lela Gilbert’s Baroness Cox: Eyewitness to a Broken World

This new edition of Baroness Cox: Eyewitness to a Broken World by Lela Gilbert shows that the international religious freedom advocate is not slowing down, and her recent ventures take several additional chapters to describe.

Iraqi Christians in Jordan: There Is Nothing to Go Back For

“We have lost everything; our homes have been stolen, looted, destroyed, and burned. There is nothing left for us there, to return for,” said an Iraqi Christian who fled to Jordan.

Three Things the New Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom Should Prioritize - Rashad Hussain
Three Things the New Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom Should Prioritize

Despite warring priorities within the Biden administration, Rashad Hussain’s mandate to elevate the plight of the persecuted is vital. Here are three ways that the new ambassador can quickly begin to make a difference.

The Uighur Genocide and the Hollow Relativism of Woke Capitalism: A Response to Chamath Palihapitiya
The Uighur Genocide and the Hollow Relativism of Woke Capitalism: A Response to Chamath Palihapitiya

Chamath Palihapitiya, a venture capitalist and part-owner of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, said that “nobody cares about the Uighurs.” Here Aaron Woodall engages the unruled relativism that stands behind Palihapitiya’s woke capitalism.

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