Islamic State (ISIS)

Souad Mekhennet interviews terrorist members and sympathizers
The Faces of Jihad: Review of Mekhennet’s I Was Told To Come Alone

When President George W. Bush declared his “War on Terror,” the face of the enemy was a grainy two-inch picture…

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte and Heaven’s Justice

With Duterte, many felt heaven’s justice had come, wielding (symbolically and literally) the sword entrusted to government against evildoers. And despite international criticism, the Filipino people widely approve of the Duterte way. When offered the choice between vigilante justice and no justice at all, a downtrodden people will choose the former every time.

Defeating Jihad Book Cover Sebastian Gorka Book Review
Muhammad en marche? Review of Gorka’s Defeating Jihad

Largely absent from the mainstream media’s barrage against Sebastian Gorka is genuine scholarly discussion of his high-grossing Defeating Jihad.

Caliphate Loses its Last Stronghold in Mosul
Caliphate Loses its Last Stronghold in Mosul

Heavy fighting continues in the cramped streets of Old Mosul even though the Iraqi flag flies over virtually every neighborhood after an epic urban battle not seen since World War II.

Will Christianity Survive in the Middle East? A Christian Perspective
Will Christianity Survive in the Middle East? A Christian Perspective

It is imperative that we understand that a Middle East devoid of Christians and other religious minorities would be a tragedy—a tragedy not only for Christians and others who have lived in the Middle East for centuries, but a tragedy for an outward-looking and tolerant Islam.

Travels to Queregosh: Christians Return to the Nineveh Plains after Islamic State Leaves

Islamic State drove them out of their villages and abused them for their faith in Jesus, but some Christians are returning to places like Queregosh and replacing the crosses ISIS destroyed.

The Urgent Need for Appropriate Safe Zones in Iraq
The Urgent Need for Appropriate “Safe Zones” in Iraq

When President Trump took office in January, he made a promise to help persecuted Christians worldwide, and especially Christians subjected to the Daesh genocide in Syria and Iraq.

fighting terrorism theresa may
The Key to Fighting Terrorism: Come Together and Take Apart

Prime Minister Theresa May insists, “United we will take on and defeat our enemies.”

The Battle for Mosul and the End of History
The Battle for Mosul and the End of History

In the city of Mosul, gasping through its fifth month of urban warfare, two histories of the world are crossing.

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