
Cybersecurity is a Moral Necessity

It may be easy to see issues of cybersecurity as mere issues of intellectual property or economic viability, but cybersecurity is fundamentally about protecting the rights and dignity of every human being.

Christians Need Responsible Thinking on Artificial Intelligence
Christians Need Responsible Thinking on Artificial Intelligence

Christians need a big dose of realism. AI is not going away any time soon, nor should it. Most of the ways that AI is deployed are immensely beneficial and non-threatening.

The Political Theology of Space Exploration: Between Anarchy, State, and Utopia
The Political Theology of Space Exploration: Between Anarchy, State, and Utopia

Apologists of outer space exploration tout their collective efforts as the supreme manifestation of human rationality: peaceful, non-partisan, inoffensive, and humanistic. But the historical reality is that its institutional origins are largely irrational.

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