Trade & Economics

Africa Will Rise
Which Africa Will Rise?

The Africa that will rise and then sustain its new heights is the Africa that will transform the lives of its smallholder farmers, and from the sound foundation of a healthy agriculture build the industries that are the true engines of national wealth generation.

Africa Slum
Six Challenges Facing Africa in 2016

While I am an optimist with regard to global poverty alleviation, my optimism is sorely tested when it comes to my beloved birth continent, Africa.

Optimistic in India
Why I Am More Optimistic Than Ever

Bad stuff will continue to happen around the world in 2016. But there are good reasons to be optimistic.

Colombo Port, by Jgmorard via Flickr
How My Mind has Changed on Trade

Gideon Strauss explains how Joe Studwell’s How Asia Works has changed his mind on how developing countries should shape trade policies.

The U.S.-South African Chicken War

At the intersection of Christianity and American foreign policy, trade matters as much as war

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