Nationalism and Patriotism

Losing the Miracle: A Review of Suicide of the West

According to Jonah Goldberg in Suicide of the West, the death of the country will not be the result of civil war but the culmination of a steady rot of the ideas and institutions that produced the liberty and prosperity of the West.

National Conservatism: Policy, Polemics, or the Postmortem of a Culture?

The fundamental issues in Senator Josh Hawley’s ending keynote address were, first, according to him, the leadership class is ignoring…

Religious Liberty versus Nationalism?

There were two notable conferences in DC this past week: the second annual Ministerial on International Religious Freedom, hosted by…

Debating “National Conservatism”
Debating “National Conservatism”

I welcome the effort to give nationalism more depth because one of the more maddening features of political debate over the past few years is the difficulty in nailing down what exactly the nationalist side believes. In that spirit, I have some questions for the advocates of National Conservatism.

Dark Days for India’s Christian Communities - Narendra Modi
Dark Days for India’s Christian Communities

Prime Minister Modi’s apparent disdain for human rights and religious freedom is casting dark and ominous shadows across India’s otherwise promising future.

The EU and the Misguided Reaction to Nationalist Movements

Nationalism is on the rise worldwide with nationalist-oriented leaders taking the helm in some of the largest countries.  Some call them “authoritarians,” others “populists.” 

Does God Want Nations To Exist?

Is it morally legitimate or acceptable for a nation-state to deny membership in the group, meaning voting and other political rights, to outsiders? At the end of the day, the moral question of the legitimacy of nations is about the politics of immigration.

Does Scripture Really Require Nation-States? Review of Hazony’s The Virtue of Nationalism
Does Scripture Really Require Nation-States? Review of Hazony’s The Virtue of Nationalism

If we follow scripture as understood by Hazony, perhaps then we face his “either nation or empire” mentality. From other Christian perspectives, an appeal could be made to the varying levels of political organization available to polities over time, ranging from the city to the nation-state, to regional federations, and so on. Hazony’s account, however, allows no such appeal.

To Be a Christian in America
To Be a Christian in America

Is it possible for a Christian to love his or her country too much? Is America itself even deserving of a Christian’s loyalty? If Christians have anything to offer the civil kingdom, how should they go about it?

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