Nuclear Weapons

What You Should Know About Nuclear Weapons
What You Should Know About Nuclear Weapons

The U.S. Defense Department contains an inventory of roughly 7,100 nuclear warheads. About 4,760 are active, while approximately 2,340 warheads are retired, but still intact. The retired warheads are in storage and await dismantlement. Here is what you should know about nuclear weapons:

Preempting Preemption: How America Can Respond to North Korea’s Nuclear Program
Preempting Preemption: How America Can Respond to North Korea’s Nuclear Program

North Korea’s nuclear-weapons tests, missile launches, and threats to attack American territory are hostile acts. What is debatable is how the United States and allies should respond.

Robert Jeffress and Steven Paulikas Episcopal Priest Both Err on North Korea
Jeffress and Episcopal Priest Both Err on North Korea

Does the American president possess divine sanction to use war to stop regimes bent on harming and threatening Americans?

What You Should Know About the North Korean Missile Crisis
What You Should Know About the North Korean Missile Crisis

North Korea has threatened to fire an ICBM into international waters near the U.S. territory of Guam. Donald Trump has threatened fire and fury. Here is what you should know about the ongoing North Korean missile crisis.

What You Should Know About the Iran Deal
What You Should Know About the Iran Deal

On Monday the Trump administration warned Iran it will likely face punishment for violating “the spirit” of the Iran Deal.

Bishops Call for Nuclear Elimination but Forget Need for Modernization and Maintenance
Bishops Call for Nuclear Elimination but Forget Need for Modernization and Maintenance

On July 6, 2017, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions issued a joint declaration calling upon the international community to “map out a credible, verifiable, and enforceable strategy for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.”

Trump has Realistic Options for North Korea ICBM
Trump has Realistic Options for North Korea after ICBM Test

After North Korea’s successful ICBM test on July 4, does the Trump administration have any realistic policy options to deter the Kim Jong-un regime?

Unprepared for the Storm: America is Vulnerable to EMP Attack
Unprepared for the Storm: America is Vulnerable to EMP Attack

Some dismiss North Korea and Iran’s threat, but such a view ignores the devastating impact a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event could have on the United States.

The Obama Administration's Feckless, Heartless North Korea Policy
The Obama Administration’s Feckless, Heartless North Korea Policy

It is past time to take North Korean crimes against humanity and the North Korean military threat very seriously.

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