
Just War Against Islamic State ISIS
What a Just War Against the Islamic State Looks Like

Just war aims at peace. As Augustine argued, “Every man seeks peace by waging war, but no man seeks war by making peace.” We do not fight war for its own sake, or for revenge, profit, or prestige. The only conceivable rationale for waging war is to create a world of better, deeper, more lasting peace than the one that led to war in the first place.

President Obama Incoherent Foreign Policy State of the Union
State of the Incoherent Foreign Policy

Ian Bremmer’s Superpower provides a different perspective to Obama’s description of his incoherent foreign policy in his final State of the Union Address.

13 Hours in Benghazi & C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis wrote that a virtuous patriotism becomes “militant only to protect what it loves.” This theme animates 13 Hours:…

“Strategic Jihad” Threatens United Kingdom and the West

Alarmingly, today there are militant Islamists who are using “Strategic jihad” to threaten our fundamental freedoms and rights.

Lockerbie, Libya & Bloody Human History

A Libyan bomb blew up New York-bound Pan Am Flight 103 out of the sky over Lockerbie, Scotland 27 years…

Pray for Russia, Too

For Christian citizens, prayer should be the first reflex whenever tragedies occur, whether they occur in a country that is seen as a friend – like France- or in a country that is seen as an antagonist – like Russia.

Great Again is Not Enough

Nations must seek to be just even as they seek to be strong – goodness and greatness must characterize them

Ted Cruz speaks in Iowa
Ted Cruz, Realpolitik, and the Future of the Middle East

Perhaps like no other Republican presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz exemplifies the nation’s conflicted conscience over the direction of U.S. foreign policy in the age of terror. Should the United States promote democracy in the Middle East, or should we learn to live with Arab dictatorships, even as we seek to defeat and destroy the Islamic State?

Syrian Refugees
Scandal: U.S. Christian Groups Prioritize Muslim Refugees over Christian Ones. Here’s Why

Christians have been targeted for death, sexual slavery, displacement, cultural eradication and forced conversion by ISIS. The U.S. government’s response has been woefully inadequate — neither helping them defend themselves and stay, nor providing them asylum to leave. And now, to add insult to injury, they are casualties of the agencies contracted to resettle refugees in America.

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