Trade & Economics

What Will Brexit Mean? A Review
What Will Brexit Mean? A Review

This morning, British Prime Minister Theresa May delivered a speech thankfully detailing her vision for Brexit beyond vague references. Still, continued uncertainty makes this drama one of the top stories I’ll be watching through 2017 and 2018.

Will the European Union Fail? Economists’ Contrasting Forecasts
Will the European Union Fail? Economists’ Contrasting Forecasts

Debates about whether the European Union will fail have often occurred in intellectual silos. Thankfully, AEI hosted a panel of economists who presented and defended their contrasting forecasts about the EU’s future.

Hidden Economic Opportunities Brexit
The Hidden Economic Opportunities of Brexit

We have been led to believe Brexit is leading the United Kingdom toward the precipice of economic self-destruction in a…

William Inboden Dark Days Niebuhr
William Inboden’s “Dark Days”: The Use and Abuse of Niebuhr in the Current Campaign

Inboden’s essay in War on the Rocks, “Dark Days: Trump, Christianity, and a Low Dishonest Decade,” has garnered a great deal of attention, but has not, as far as I can tell, been answered in print.

Globalism Broken
After Globalism and Identity Politics

America has been mesmerized by two ideas that have given hazy coherence to the post-1989 world: “globalism” and “identity politics.”

Protectionism False Hope Free Trade
False Hope of Protectionism

Over the past year, popular demand to use protectionism to shield workers and companies from cheap foreign products has received more attention. But the focus should be on improving productivity and helping workers transition.

Losing to the Dragon Book Review Gallagher China Triangle
Losing to the Dragon

Gallagher argues that a new age of trade between Latin America, China, and the United States, has developed to create the “China Triangle”, which poses new challenges to the US.

Russian Roulette Book Review
Peacemaking Espionage

Milton’s Russian Roulette tells the captivating history of how British spies prevented the Bolsheviks from spreading revolution.

Assessing the Damage Done after Brexit Vote
Assessing the Damage Done after Brexit Vote

As anyone who has glanced at the news or stock market knows, Britain has voted for Brexit. Here’s a look at some consequences and next steps.

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