Trade & Economics

Why Russia Didn’t Collapse Like Venezuela… For Now - Book Review of Chris Miller’s Putinomics: Power and Money in Resurgent Russia
Why Russia Didn’t Collapse Like Venezuela… For Now: Review of Miller’s Putinomics

Putin’s Russia still has numerous challenges today from corruption to slow economic growth, but Chris Miller argues in Putinomics that the federation should be compared to fellow petrostate Venezuela since both were similar in the late 1990s.

Seven Decades, Seven Principles: Reflections on the Atlantic Council’s Declaration of Principles for Freedom, Prosperity, and Peace
Seven Decades, Seven Principles: Reflections on the Atlantic Council’s Declaration of Principles for Freedom, Prosperity, and Peace

Liberal declaration of the kind described above is generally well-intentioned. Yet as often as not, it appears to but embarrass the democrat whilst amusing the dictator.

Faith, Freedom, Foreign Policy, and a Socialist Revival
Faith, Freedom, Foreign Policy, and a Socialist Revival

This is no time to shut down the furnace that fires the arsenal of democracy. Civilization still needs America’s military, which means America’s military needs resources, which means America needs a growing economy. That won’t be possible if Americans turn toward socialism.

Trump, Bolsonaro, and the Future of US-Brazil Relations
Trump, Bolsonaro, and the Future of US-Brazil Relations

Jair Bolsonaro is well-known for a series of controversial and offensive statements, including homophobic, sexist, and racist insults. Yet he emerged victorious in Brazil’s presidential election with around 58 million votes. Can the US government work with such a leader?

What Can American Conservatives Republicans Learn from Canada? A Review of Stephen Harper’s Right Here, Right Now: Politics and Leadership in an Age of Disruption
What Can American Conservatives Learn from Canada? A Review of Stephen Harper’s Right Here, Right Now: Politics and Leadership in an Age of Disruption

In Right Here, Right Now, Stephen Harper, Canada’s former prime minister, explains how his Canadian conservatism bridges the gap between populism and the establishment.

The Dirty Sources of Clean Energy: A Case Study in Cheap Piety - Cobalt Mining - Democratic Republic of Congo
The Dirty Sources of Clean Energy: A Case Study of Cobalt in the Congo

While more and more governments and consumers are pushing for environmentally friendly cars, they are painfully ignorant that the elements necessary for the so-called “clean energy” of hybrid automobiles may very well have dirty sources.

Iran’s Economic Troubles Gives US Diplomatic Tool - Iran Economy
Iran’s Economic Troubles Gives US Diplomatic Tool

Sanctions and corruption have stunted Iran’s economic growth, and reforms will be difficult because of entrenched interests. This gives American policymakers a crucial diplomatic tool.

Trump’s Trade Tirades
Trump’s Trade Tirades

The economic case in favor of free trade remains as definitive and decisive today as it was when articulated by Adam Smith in 1776. But making an economic case is not enough. The moral and cultural case needs to be made as well.

Moving Beyond the G7: America’s Self-Inflicted Rejection of Allies
Moving Beyond the G7: America’s Self-Inflicted Rejection of Allies

Trump has a better chance of averting a trade war with China than with the G7.

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