Trade & Economics

COVID-19 and the Need for Balancing Power: A Perspective from Brazil - Donald Trump Jair Bolsonaro China
COVID-19 and the Need for Balancing Power: A Perspective from Brazil

The COVID-19 pandemic illustrates interesting dynamics of the current international order, including how countries like Brazil are stuck with an aggressive China and an absent America.

A Guide to the US-China Contest in 2020
A Guide to the US-China Contest in 2020

The real 2020 questions about the US-China contest lie in how they influence the context for global trade, technology standards, military tools, and power projection.

Africa in 2020

Each African state faces its unique prospects and challenges heading into the new decade. Nevertheless, there are common themes and transnational trends we may expect to shape the continent in the new year and beyond.

How Can the US Help Taiwan in the Western Hemisphere?
How Can the US Help Taiwan in the Western Hemisphere?

While the US continues to support Taiwan, it has been unable to prevent some governments from establishing relations with China. Many of the nations that maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan are located in Latin America and the Caribbean, two regions where the US has plenty of allies and partners. So as we discuss Taipei’s future in the Western Hemisphere, we must discuss what Washington can (realistically) do to help its ally.

The NBA and the Long Arm of China

The NBA’s groveling reaction to Daryl Morey’s high crime of tweeting “Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong” sent shockwaves…

China and The Great Network Power

The US created today’s system of global exchange. Now, Beijing is manipulating it to subvert American security, prosperity, and values.

US Sanctions, and Iran Sanctions in Particular, Are Just
US Sanctions, and Iran Sanctions in Particular, Are Just

The US is employing just war considerations of proportionality and discrimination in the course of its employment of sanctions. That doesn’t mean there won’t be disheartening impacts on innocents. But we should be clear about who should receive the blame and insist, vigorously, that point is not lost.

China’s Plan for a New World Order: Review of Maçães’ Belt and Road
China’s Plan for a New World Order: Review of Maçães’ Belt and Road

Bruno Maçães’ Belt and Road: A Chinese World Order could become essential and beneficial reading for Americans who want to understand China’s global ambitions.

Why Russia Didn’t Collapse Like Venezuela… For Now - Book Review of Chris Miller’s Putinomics: Power and Money in Resurgent Russia
Why Russia Didn’t Collapse Like Venezuela… For Now: Review of Miller’s Putinomics

Putin’s Russia still has numerous challenges today from corruption to slow economic growth, but Chris Miller argues in Putinomics that the federation should be compared to fellow petrostate Venezuela since both were similar in the late 1990s.

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