American Exceptionalism

One Less Irony

Niebuhr realized that an overweening faith in the powers of human rationality was a severely misplaced and perpetual threat which has reemerged in 2022 America. 

A Christian Exhortation to American Citizens

Richard Mouw is an American, and he loves his country the most, according to his newly released How to be a Patriotic Christian: Love of Country as Love of Neighbor.

The Man Who Tore Down the Wall

Gorbachev was different from all his predecessors. He knew how cruel the Soviet system was.

Franklin Roosevelt and the Heart of Liberalism

Though the government cannot make us virtuous, our leaders can challenge us to be better than we often are.  

Utilities of the Christian Imperative

From Christianity and Crisis, July 1947: “The beginning of wisdom is to know that God’s will rules His world.” But discerning the end of wisdom is more complicated.

American Withdrawal is America Last

Some America First Republicans are nearly indistinguishable from the standard fare retreaters we were served from the “Blame America First” leftists of the Cold War.

Top Gun & American Audacity

The world whether admitting to it or not needs an audacious America that will safeguard that part of civilization cherishing law, liberty, equality, decency and ordered prosperity.

Colin Powell
Powell and Decisive Good

General Colin Powell believed in the necessity of American strength and in the good of being able to win decisive victories against our enemies.

Defy the Mob, Have a Happy Independence Day

Delight in your family and community and boldly have a very happy Independence Day.

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