
Turkey: Hate Crimes Targeting Religious Minorities On the Rise

The 2021 Report of “Hate Crimes in Turkey Based on Religion, Belief or Unbelief” by the Freedom of Belief Initiative of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee documented 29 hate crimes or incidents related to religion, belief or non-belief between January and December 2021. The victims are Alevis, Christians, Jews, and atheists.

UN Releases Uighur Human Rights Report Despite Chinese Intimidation

The Uighurs would be in a very different situation if we could get Middle Eastern governments to restrict the flow of oil to China or if South Asian governments would say no to China’s tempting low-interest infrastructure projects.

Fighting for the Right to Be Jewish: Religious Liberty and Government Establishment

A state-enforced sexual establishment parallels the kind of religious establishment dissenters have long sought to dismantle, and for sound reasons.

Moral Courage and the Grim Necessity of Sacrifice 

American audiences are still hungry for cinematic portrayals of the old virtues: patriotism, heroism, courage, and self-sacrifice

The Saudi Mirage of Religious Freedom

The Saudi monarchy is reigning in the Wahhabi religious establishment to solidify its power and stifle opposition.

Azerbaijan Brutally Hunting Down Azeri Dissidents

Death threats, kangaroo courts, attempted assassinations, and mysterious deaths await international Azeri critics of Azerbaijan.

The Principles of American Liberalism

A Patriotic Review of The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism, InterVarsity Press, 2022.

Duty and Faith

Elizabeth always continued on – duty, faith, and family at the heart of her mission. While Western Europe lost its faith, she held fast.

One Less Irony

Niebuhr realized that an overweening faith in the powers of human rationality was a severely misplaced and perpetual threat which has reemerged in 2022 America. 

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