Catholic Church

What the Pope’s Visit Teaches Us About The Wrong Way to Do Religious Diplomacy

Religious diplomacy is important, but religious leaders should focus on representing the truths of their religion and the concerns of their constituencies rather than working toward meta-religious consensus. They will be most successful when their diplomacy is understated and narrowly-construed.

Pope Francis, World Day of Peace
Pope Francis, World Day of Peace

Since 1967, the Catholic Church has marked January 1 as the “World Day of Peace,” and popes from Pope Paul VI to Pope Francis have used the day to deliver messages of peace to the world. This year, Pope Francis has centered his comments around the timely message of the good of politics.

Vatican’s Deal with Communists Risks Undermining Chinese Catholics
Vatican’s Deal with Communists Risks Undermining Chinese Catholics

This deal may undermine Chinese Catholics, many of whom may secularize or go Pentecostal.

Catholic Church - Integralism and International Order
Integralism and International Order

Would those Catholics promoting integralism instead of liberalism support a nationalist-isolationist foreign policy, or empire?

Throne-Altar Nostalgia: Appeal of Catholic Integralism Grows
Throne-Altar Nostalgia: Appeal of Catholic Integralism Grows

For American Protestants used to the First Amendment’s protection of religious freedom, integralism—the doctrine that the state should publicly support the Catholic Church and protect that faith—sounds strange.

national security
Day 2: The Providence Christianity & National Security Conference 2017

Video links to the presentations from the 2nd day of the Providence conference reflecting on the intersection of Christian intelligence and foreign policy

A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Collapse of Communism
A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Collapse of Communism

Among the cast of historic figures fighting communism in the Cold War, there were two, one at the Vatican and another at the White House, who uniquely stood out and stood together

What You Should Know About Cluster Bombs
What You Should Know About Cluster Bombs

The Vatican issued an appeal to several countries—including the United States—to ban cluster bombs. Here is what you should know about these munitions.

Bishops Call for Nuclear Elimination but Forget Need for Modernization and Maintenance
Bishops Call for Nuclear Elimination but Forget Need for Modernization and Maintenance

On July 6, 2017, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions issued a joint declaration calling upon the international community to “map out a credible, verifiable, and enforceable strategy for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.”

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