Christian Ethics

Should Christians Support Dismantling Sanctions on Venezuela as Part of Humanitarian Assistance?
Dismantle Venezuela Sanctions as Part of Humanitarian Assistance?

Some observers call for a relaxation of US sanctions on Venezuela during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eric Farnsworth offers a different recommendation.

Evangelicals Need More Pragmatism and Less Moralism - Albert Mohler
Evangelicals Need More Pragmatism and Less Moralism

Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, recently declared that he was going to vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

Herbert Butterfield: Britain’s Reinhold Niebuhr?

Herbert Butterfield’s Christian faith essentially inspired his view of history and government and made him the English forerunner of a hopeful Christian Realism as an alternative to both Western secular materialist liberalism and collectivist atheist Marxism.

What is the Meaning of a Plague? Coronavirus and the Almost-Chosen Nation
What is the Meaning of a Plague? Coronavirus and the Almost-Chosen Nation

Not every plague is a judgment, but every plague is a revelation.

Why Americans Should Critique Their Government, Even When Others Are Worse

Christianity and Crisis published the following editorial by Reinhold Niebuhr on February 19, 1945. He explains not only why his publication criticized the United States’ foreign policies as the country fought Nazi Germany, but also why Christians should not have uncritical loyalty to the nation.

Five Lessons during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Five Lessons during the COVID-19 Pandemic

While quarantined with my family during the COVID-19 pandemic, the following five lessons with international affairs applications have come into focus.

The Last Christians in America? R.R. Reno and the Bitter Remnant Mindset of First Things
The Last Christians in America? R.R. Reno and the Bitter Remnant Mindset of First Things

The mindset of many of First Things’ authors, most notably its senior editor, R.R. Reno, strikes me as that of an angry and bitter remnant. They write as though they are the last Christians in America.

Pro-Life Is Not Enough
Pro-Life Is Not Enough

A simple pro-life analysis does not yield much fruit or shed much light on how the government should act in foreign policy.

A Time for Theologians during COVID-19 Pandemic?

A theologian’s task in time of plague is to show the light and give people hope. In recent years, many of us trained as theologians have traded our office for that of the pundit and scold. That we have so little worthwhile to say now, in this unprecedented time of fear and uncertainty, is yet one more sign of judgment.

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