International Religious Liberty

Baghdeda, Qaraqosh, Al-Hamdaniya: Three Names for One Assyrian City
Baghdeda, Qaraqosh, Al-Hamdaniya: Three Names for One Assyrian City

Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq was the first of its kind in papal history. The remaining Christians in Iraq long anticipated his visit, including to an Assyrian city just 23 miles (37 kilometers) east of Mosul.

Western Media Misunderstand Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Views on Religion and Politics – Pope Francis – Islam
Western Media Misunderstand Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Views on Religion and Politics

Western media rightly praised Pope Francis’ historic trip to Iraq for opening new doors in Christian-Muslim relations. But they misunderstood Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Husaini Sistani’s views on religion and politics.

Egypt Must Secure Minority Rights before Celebrating Religious Freedom
Egypt Must Secure Minority Rights before Celebrating Religious Freedom

While Sisi has made some improvements, stating that Egypt has achieved some advanced level of religious freedom or pluralism is fantastical and premature.

Pope’s Visit Offers an Opportunity for Christians in Iraq
Pope Francis’ Visit Offers an Opportunity for Christians in Iraq

Hopefully, Pope Francis’ trip to visit the Christians in Iraq will not only lift their spirits but also inspire change so that they can stay and prosper in their ancient homeland, which would benefit all of Iraq.

A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees
A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees

To renew our national spirit, we must rebuild our refugee resettlement program.

US Commission Report Reveals China’s Transgressions - US-China Economic and Security Review Commission
US Commission Report Reveals China’s Transgressions

A recent US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) report gives examples of China’s transgressions.

Advocating for Persecuted Christians Should Be a Non-Partisan Issue
Advocating for Persecuted Christians Should Be a Non-Partisan Issue

As the United States continues its political transition, many in the human rights advocacy community anxiously await tangible signs, beyond rhetoric, that the cause of international religious freedom will remain a policy priority for the Biden administration.

Protecting Rohingya after the Coup in Burma
Protecting Rohingya after the Coup in Burma

The brutalities endured by Burma’s Rohingya—the country’s most vulnerable population—were bad even before the recent coup. The US response must take their plight into account, or risk making it even worse.

Sideswiping Religious Freedom in France and Denmark
Sideswiping Religious Freedom in France and Denmark

Much of the French government’s recently proposed strategy and laws threaten religious freedom. Meanwhile, Denmark has also begun taking some troubling measures.

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