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What’s a Christian to Make of Trump’s Foreign Policy and Nationalism?
What’s a Christian to Make of Trump’s Nationalism and Foreign Policy?

Trump’s policies, foreign and domestic, all converge around his conception of American greatness, a conception shared by tens of millions of Americans. What should Christians make of this trend toward nationalism?

Why Conservative Christians Should Care More about Refugee Protection
Why Conservative Christians Should Care More about Refugee Protection

During the two first years of the Trump administration, the number of Christian refugees resettled in the US has dropped by more than 40 percent.

The Embattled Ecumenical Patriarch Caught Between Russia and Turkey

What on the surface seems simply an esoteric argument over ecclesiastical jurisdiction is anything but. At the heart of the schism lie the ideological underpinnings for Putin’s new nationalism, and its violent manifestations in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

Blasphemy Returns as a Political Weapon in Indonesia
Blasphemy Returns as a Political Weapon in Indonesia

A seemingly small incident in Indonesia is the first shot in the use of religion, specifically accusations of blasphemy, as a political weapon against President Jokowi in the ongoing presidential race.

Decisive, Disruptive, and Overdue: The Trump Foreign Policy
Decisive, Disruptive, and Overdue: The Trump Foreign Policy

The Trump foreign policy is like the administration’s domestic policy: a little irreverent, ambitious, and completely impervious to experts’ warnings.

Donald Trump’s Christian Foreign Policy
Donald Trump’s Christian Foreign Policy

Instead of debating President Trump’s character, we should ask which is more Christian: the experiment with globalism that seems now to have faltered, or the somber return to nations that seeks, modestly yet earnestly, to fortify transnational alliances where they are possible, but reject them where they are not.

Brazil’s Tumultuous Presidential Election: Why Do Brazilian Evangelicals Support Jair Bolsonaro
Brazil’s Tumultuous Presidential Election: Why Do Brazilian Evangelicals Support Jair Bolsonaro?

Brazilians head to the polls this Sunday to elect their next president, and the frontrunner is Jair Bolsonaro. He has been variously described as a far-right, uncouth, law-and-order populist, and he appears to hold views that can charitably be described as anti-democratic.

Don’t Call it a Reset: What the Release of Pastor Brunson Means for U.S.-Turkey Relations

Pastor Brunson is free, but many others are not. The U.S. should not push Turkey away, but continue the hard work of diplomatic engagement around core human rights issues. It should also continue to engage broad range of challenges these partner countries are facing in the region. 

Covert Operations: Just War or Dirty Hands?
Covert Operations: Just War or Dirty Hands?

Two Christian schools of thought might support covert operations and espionage: the just war tradition and a kind of “dirty hands” moralism. The dirty hands view says all those in political power must unavoidably resort to evil for the common good. The just war tradition has a different approach.

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