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The Christian and the War: Fighting for Justice, not from Necessity
The Christian and the War: Fighting for Justice, not from Necessity

Reinhold Niebuhr refutes the argument that Christians are only allowed to pursue war for the purpose of self-defense. He asserts that a Christian’s willingness to fight should stem from a desire to seek and promote justice.

Reformation Then & Now

The Reformation’s ennoblement of the God-created individual has a power that many despots don’t recognize until too late.

Christians Are Fleeing the Cradle of Christianity Again
Christians Are Fleeing the Cradle of Christianity Again

Christians in the United States and Europe must continue to speak up for our Iraqi brothers and sisters in Christ. We must act now, or the oldest Christian community in the world could vanish during our time.

Why are American Forces in Niger?
Why are American Forces in Niger?

The American forces who died fighting ISIS fighters in Niger deserve our gratitude, their families our compassion and help, and their mission in the African theater of operations our support. 

What You Should Know About MS-13
What You Should Know About MS-13

Attorney General Jeff Sessions named the international gang MS-13 as a national priority for federal organized crime task forces. Here is what you should know about the group that has been called the “world’s most dangerous gang.”

The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm
The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm

This article, highlighting the dangers of pacifism, was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on November 16th, 1942. Editor Henry Sloane Coffin…

How Do Copts Endure Their Martyrdoms?
How Do Copts Endure Their Martyrdoms?

The Coptic Orthodox Church’s liturgy featuring daily readings from the Synaxarium about celebrated saints and martyrs encourage the faithful to suffer even unto death.

Slow Fade or Renewal of Spirit?
Slow Fade or Renewal of Spirit?

Is the liberal democratic order that has provided stability, prosperity, and freedom across the globe for the better part of 70 years in peril? Is America witnessing a slow fade of its core values, or is the country at a tipping point that will lead to a renewal of the spirit of liberty?

America Should Support the Rohingya and Place Sanctions on Burmese Military
America Should Support the Rohingya and Place Sanctions on Burmese Military

The Burmese military is the primary perpetrator of violence against Rohingya. Villages in Maungdaw township on the border with Bangladesh are almost completely empty because Rohingya fled the brutal violence. The United Nations is calling it a textbook case of ethnic cleansing, and Human Rights Watch believes it may constitute crimes against humanity.

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