
“I am here to save the honor of France”: Charles de Gaulle and the American Future
“I am here to save the honor of France”: Charles de Gaulle and the American Future

Julian Jackson’s De Gaulle chronicles and catalogs the many twists and turns of de Gaulle’s life and leadership. His is an exhaustive and judicious book, but he does sprinkle in material that allows us to draw near to the man.

National Interest, National Purpose: Reimagining Morality and Foreign Policy
National Interest, National Purpose: Reimagining Morality and Foreign Policy

The United States was the first modern polity to claim political legitimacy on the basis of its recognition of certain truths, hard-wired into the human condition, about the human person and freedom. It would be unworthy of us not to take that history seriously as we think about our responsibilities in the world in the twenty-first century.

Pope Francis is Wrong about the Morality of Nuclear Weapons
Pope Francis is Wrong about the Morality of Nuclear Weapons

The pontiff is right to express concern about the risks of accidental detonation and the employment of nuclear weapons. He’s just wrong on how best to increase the chances of preventing their employment.

Lighten Up, Francis

Pope Francis visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki this weekend. In both locations, he lamented the horrors and immorality of nuclear weapons. He got the horror right, not much else.

How America Fights Wars in a Unique Way: Review of Patterson’s Just American Wars
How America’s Wars Have Been (Mostly) Just: Review of Eric Patterson’s Just American Wars

Eric Patterson contends in Just American Wars that the US is unique because of how it considers ethical and moral dilemmas when it fights. Particularly, the country’s democratic institutions force any politician who wishes to engage in a war to explain to voters, civil society, and other parts of the government why the war must be fought.

Dual Democracies? A Proposal for Israel and Palestine - Dual Democracies Initiative (DDI)
Jewish Citizens in a Future Democratic Palestine?

The Dual Democracies Initiative (DDI) offers a solution based on the principle that if Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, and Arabs are going to live together, they should learn to benefit from each other.

Rejoicing & Baghdadi’s Death

Several Christian pacifists have warned against celebrating the death of ISIS terror chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who blew up himself…

The Role of Morality in International Politics

What is the role of moral values in the conduct of foreign relations? Although many answers have been given, three major traditions predominate: realism, idealism, and principled realism.

The Religious Sources of Russian Conduct
The Religious Sources of Russian Conduct

To better grasp Russian conduct, past and present, we would do well to understand its religious sources in Orthodox Christianity.

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