
Britain Has a Flawed Response to Islamist Terrorism’s Threat
Britain Has a Flawed Response to Islamist Terrorism’s Threat

The UK’s very broad counter-extremism strategy is inadequate to address terrorism and violent extremism, Islamist or otherwise.

Islamophobia Unveiled: Unsympathetic Reflections on a New Watchword
Islamophobia Unveiled: Unsympathetic Reflections on a New Watchword

Real intolerance against Muslims exists, no question. But the term “Islamophobia” is too often deployed to inhibit rather than encourage dialogue about honest questions, concerns, or grievances.

Can Christians Support Gina Haspel as CIA Director? Torture Bonnie Kristian
Can Christians Support Gina Haspel, a “Torturer,” as CIA Director?

Can a Christian support using sleep deprivation against known terrorists to gain valuable intelligence that could save lives?

What You Should Know About Boko Haram
What You Should Know About Boko Haram

To date, approximately 20,000 people have been killed and at least two million displaced because of the terrorist group.

Paraguay’s Ejercito del Pueblo Paraguayo (Paraguayan People’s Army, or EPP) Insurgency Frees Mennonite Hostages: An Analysis
Paraguay’s EPP Insurgency Frees Mennonite Hostages: An Analysis

The conundrum that the Paraguayan government faces is choosing one of two evils. Either it lets the police handle the Ejercito del Pueblo Paraguayo (Paraguayan People’s Army, or EPP), which has not worked so far as evidenced by ongoing attacks and violence, or Asuncion deploys the armed forces, which could risk greater human rights abuses and repression.

Al-Qaeda’s First Attack on the World Trade Center: A Quarter-Century of War 1993
Al-Qaeda’s First Attack on the World Trade Center: A Quarter-Century of War

The war Osama bin Laden began 25 years ago—what US military leaders aptly call “the long war”—is far from over.

Pakistan: Pariah or Partner?
Pakistan: Pariah or Partner?

There’s at least one place that likes President Trump so much he’s been awarded a medal for bravery. The honor was bestowed by the people of Logar province, Afghanistan, after he announced that the U.S. would freeze military assistance for Pakistan, due to what he described as a record of “lies and deceit.” The president was right to take this action.

First to Fight Back: A Review of 12 Strong

They were the first boots on the ground in the War on Terror. Their footprints were horse hooves.

Colombia and the FARC: Problems with Creating Peace
Colombia and the FARC: Problems with Creating Peace

The peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC is slightly over a year old, but there are a number of issues that will continue to be a concern from a practical and moral perspective.

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