United Nations (UN)

Considering Post-War Ukraine

Putin has failed to meet his objectives, but Ukraine has a difficult rebuilding process ahead, even with expected international support.

Anti-Christian Persecution on the Rise

Despite the increasing prominence of the international religious freedom movement, violence against believers is getting worse in many regions of the world, such as Nigeria, Vietnam, and Pakistan.

The Politics of Rescue

Biden fears escalation; this plays into the hands of Putin, the former KGB operative, who exploits the West’s moral weakness with both cunning and barbarism.

Remember Rwanda by Renewing the Responsibility to Protect
Remember Rwanda by Renewing the Responsibility to Protect

The international community should renew the responsibility to protect and empower regional organizations to uphold it. Such would be a fitting remembrance of the Rwanda genocide.

An Army of Conscience: Democracies Should Unite to Overcome UN Failures

We must deal with the world as it is and fashion solutions that protect innocents, promote justice and defend the shared values of liberal democracy. The UN has failed to do that for more than seven decades. Worse, it has hindered responsible powers from playing that legitimate and necessary role. Perhaps it’s time to try something new.

Common Core: How the US Can Respond to a Disappointing United Nations
Common Core: The United Nations Has Long Disappointed

Generally, American presidents who try to work through the United Nations and want it to live up to its noble mission often become disappointed.

Organ Failure: The United Nations’ Case against the UN
Organ Failure: The UN’s Case against the UN

The United Nations has failed to do what it was created to do—“promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security.”

The United Nations’ Shameful Treatment of Persecuted Christians
The United Nations’ Shameful Treatment of Persecuted Christians

Discriminatory policies and negligence within the United Nations are aggravating a crisis among Christians in the Middle East.

Iraqi Christians: The Forgotten Refugees
Iraqi Christians: The Forgotten Refugees

We as Christians are called to remember that “if one member suffers, all suffer together,” so we cannot forget these Iraqi Christian refugees.

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