Nuclear Weapons

Living in a Nuclear World

We cannot uninvent nuclear weapons, so what is the next best option?

Nuclear Weapons and the Imperative to Preserve Humanity

The ultimate responsibility anyone could have, from a pauper to the President, is the preservation and protection of humankind; something…

The Decline of Deterrence

Deterrence is built over decades, but can crumble in an instant. And that instant is now.

Rebeccah Heinrichs Christianity & National Security 2023

Rebeccah Heinrich’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Rebeccah Heinrichs discusses nuclear deterrence, the law of armed conflict, and…

Oppenheimer, Nukes & Communists

Very smart people, no less than regular people, can become wickedly insane in their political judgments.

God or Godzilla?: Oppenheimer and the Dangers of Taking Nuclear Metaphors Too Literally

Some spiritual interpretations of atomic warfare are perfectly valid – others are positively radioactive

Obstacles to Peace in Ukraine: President Biden and Mr. Trump

America never recognized the USSR’s occupation of the Baltics, but didn’t let it derail our diplomacy. This should be our approach with Ukraine and Crimea.

Hiroshima World War 2 nuclear Nagasaki
People Were Not Directly In the Atomic Crosshairs

We can rightly regret the necessity of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But their primary purpose was never the killing of large numbers of civilians.

The Wisdom of Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative

Ronald Reagan expanded upon the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction to strengthen American nuclear deterrence

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