Trump Administration

China Is Committing Genocide against the Uighur People
China Is Committing Genocide against the Uighur People

A stunning new report from the Newlines Institute states that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has breached every provision of the UN Convention on Genocide Prevention.

A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees
A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees

To renew our national spirit, we must rebuild our refugee resettlement program.

The Appeal to Heaven and Our New Civil War
The Appeal to Heaven and Our New Revolutionary War

One flag waving over the rioters at the US Capitol, emblazoned with a tree and the slogan “An Appeal to Heaven,” garnered particular attention as a symbol of so-called “Christian nationalism’s” effort to “take America back for God.”

Still the American Century
Still the American Century

America remains the world leader. This fact is naïve to reject and realistic to accept. It is the American Century still.

Beware Playing the Counterterrorism Game at Home
Beware Playing the Counterterrorism Game at Home

As shocking as the January 6 lawlessness was, I was surprised how quickly people who should know better switched gears and called for some version of the Global War on Terror to be fought—not on some distant desert or foreign mountain top—but inside America against American citizens.

The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom
The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom

This perception in Latin America and elsewhere is very troubling and should worry American conservative Christians who care about international religious freedom.

Christians, Washington Is Only a Waystation
Mob Violence and “Reciprocal Violence”: Then and Now

Mob violence cannot be tolerated, and when threatened should be met with overwhelming force—as a deterrent, and with proportional and discriminant force, or “reciprocal violence” if you prefer—without apology, with far less concern for “optics,” and without any concern for the ideology of the mob if deterrence fails.

Amidst Our Chasms - US Capitol Riot
Amidst Our Chasms

We comfort ourselves, saying, “This is not who we are.” But without deeper reflection, such pat answers are lies, strengthening the “vulgarized knowledge” that allow us to ignore the chasms that threaten to consume us.

A Brief Reflection on Sedition and Reconciliation
A Brief Reflection on Sedition and Reconciliation

The sad and lamentable truth is that indeed this is who we are, for it was members of our own body-politic who did this, and we cannot heal if we do not confront the uncomfortable facts as they are. It was sedition.

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