
Chinese Communist Party Opens School in Tanzania
CCP Opens Party School in Tanzania

Chinese Communist Party opens the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Leadership School in conjunction with six other African countries.

Conquering Taiwan — What has Xi Jinping learned from Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?
Conquering Taiwan — What has Xi Jinping learned from Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?

Xi Jinping is watching the Ukrainian invasion closely and is strategizing his long-term interactions with the democratic world based on the West’s response.

Five Impressions on Niebuhr and Co., 1945–47

From 1945 to 1947 as the United States and Soviet Union moved toward the Cold War, Christian realists writing for Reinhold Niebuhr’s journal, Christianity and Crisis, responded to global dilemmas. Here are five impressions of those articles, along with lessons for today.

Extending Love in Response to Hatred and Humiliation
Extending Love in Response to Hatred and Humiliation

“Truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred!” is how Václav Havel ended his speech to a crowd of freedom-longing people gathered in Prague on December 10, 1989. This statement was one of the slogans of the Velvet Revolution and embodied the overall spirit of this unparalleled historical event.

Episode #79 | China After The Fall Of Democracy In Hong Kong (Olivia Enos)
Foreign Policy ProvCast, Ep. 79 | China as Democracy Falls in Hong Kong

Olivia Enos of the Heritage Foundation speaks with Mark Melton about how the Chinese government has been eradicating liberty in Hong Kong.

The Latest Arrests of Pro-Democracy Leaders in Hong Kong Lend Urgency to Extending Refugee Status to Persecuted Hong Kongers

More pro-democracy leaders in Hong Kong have been arrested—including, astoundingly, a 90-year-old renowned Catholic cardinal, Joseph Zen.

The Failure of China’s Peace Settlement
While China’s Peace Settlement Failed and the Communists Rose: A 1947 Assessment

George Marshall’s attempt to create peace between the Chinese nationalists and communists failed. Christian realists in 1947 considered why.

Christian Disagreement at the Dawn of the Cold War - Truman Doctrine - Communism
Christian Disagreement at the Dawn of the Cold War

“Unless we accept the Russian view of the nature of man, we cannot work with the USSR to a common end for human society.”

Christian Realists on the Truman Doctrine and Greek Civil War
Christian Realists on the Truman Doctrine and Greek Civil War

During an address to the US Congress on March 12, 1947, President Harry Truman called for military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece to counter communist threats. This began the Truman Doctrine, and Christian realists responded a month later.

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