Biden Administration

Egypt Must Secure Minority Rights before Celebrating Religious Freedom
Egypt Must Secure Minority Rights before Celebrating Religious Freedom

While Sisi has made some improvements, stating that Egypt has achieved some advanced level of religious freedom or pluralism is fantastical and premature.

Secretary Antony Blinken and the Battle of Ideas

Few have discussed Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s formative early years of public service prior to joining Biden’s staff, years when our paths crossed.

A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees
A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees

To renew our national spirit, we must rebuild our refugee resettlement program.

Extending the Hard Line with China
Extending the Hard Line with China

President Joe Biden’s China policy is coming into focus. As some of us predicted before his inauguration, he appears to be continuing the previous administration’s hard-line stance with Beijing—suggesting that the COVID-19 crisis marks a turning point akin to how the communist bloc’s attempt to seize West Berlin and South Korea solidified bipartisan commitment to waging the Cold War.

Advocating for Persecuted Christians Should Be a Non-Partisan Issue
Advocating for Persecuted Christians Should Be a Non-Partisan Issue

As the United States continues its political transition, many in the human rights advocacy community anxiously await tangible signs, beyond rhetoric, that the cause of international religious freedom will remain a policy priority for the Biden administration.

Protecting Rohingya after the Coup in Burma
Protecting Rohingya after the Coup in Burma

The brutalities endured by Burma’s Rohingya—the country’s most vulnerable population—were bad even before the recent coup. The US response must take their plight into account, or risk making it even worse.

The Return to Liberal Internationalism: A Review of Ikenberry’s A World Safe for Democracy
The Return to Liberal Internationalism: A Review of Ikenberry’s A World Safe for Democracy

In his book “A World Safe for Democracy,” John Ikenberry writes an impassioned defense of liberal internationalism and the international order it helped to create.

America Might Need to Rejoin TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership
America Might Need to Rejoin TPP

Ever since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in 2017, Washington has been engulfed in a contentious debate whether leaving the treaty was a geo-economic blunder or a necessary step to protect the American economy.

Myanmar Coup Could Benefit China - Aung San Suu Kyi
Myanmar Coup Could Benefit China

The US must act swiftly and decisively against the Myanmar coup to preserve the country’s recent democratic gains and send a message to China.

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