Islamic State (ISIS)

Istanbul, ISIS, & the Soul of the West

ISIS militants see Turkey not simply as a gateway to the soul of the West, but a gutter

Longing for Peace amidst a Long War
Longing for Peace amidst a Long War

In the shadow cast by 9/11, it was difficult to believe something could be worse than al-Qaeda 1.0. But with American nightclubs and office buildings awash in blood, with Europe under siege, with Christians and Yazidis targeted for extermination, with the Pandora’s Box of chemical warfare reopened, with the female populations of entire cities enslaved, here we are.

Radical Islam: What’s in a Word?
Radical Islam: What’s in a Word?

We have to be grateful to President Obama for his tirade over the term “radical Islam” and for the subsequent…

The Failure to Define the Enemy and Victory Enhances the Threat

The jihadist terror attack in Orlando that killed 49 people relaunched two major policy debates regarding the U.S. response to the challenge of Islamic State.

Say now Shibboleth
Say now Shibboleth

To insist on the shibboleth of “radical Islam,” at this moment in the political history of America, can no longer be a matter of insisting on rhetorical accuracy. To insist on this shibboleth, now, is to provide, intentionally or unintentionally, cover for those who are emboldened in their religious and racial bigotry by Mr. Trump’s rhetoric.

radical Islamism
To Define Is To Limit: Obama’s Rhetorical Vacillations Leave Terror Unbound

Obama wrongly insists calling Muslims who commit terrorism in the name of their faith radical Islamists only plays into the hands of those same terrorists.

Islamic Exceptionalism
For Better or For Worse?

Hamid’s Islamic Exceptionalism argues that Islam is far different from other religions in how it relates to governance, law, and the modern nation-state.

Orlando Massacre and the War on Truth
The Orlando Massacre and the War on Truth

The cultural left treats the Orlando assault as if religious belief plays no role in the modern world, as if there is no difference between a school shooting by a young man who emotionally snaps and a suicide bombing planned and inspired by ISIS.

Power & Anxiety: Religion & Conflict in the Middle East

From the Winter print edition

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