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Can Christians Support a Resurgent Nationalism?
Can Christians Support a Resurgent Nationalism?

Christians can love their nation-state, but civil love should not eclipse the agape love of the Kingdom of God.

The Religious Sources of Russian Conduct
The Religious Sources of Russian Conduct

To better grasp Russian conduct, past and present, we would do well to understand its religious sources in Orthodox Christianity.

How Can the US Help Taiwan in the Western Hemisphere?
How Can the US Help Taiwan in the Western Hemisphere?

While the US continues to support Taiwan, it has been unable to prevent some governments from establishing relations with China. Many of the nations that maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan are located in Latin America and the Caribbean, two regions where the US has plenty of allies and partners. So as we discuss Taipei’s future in the Western Hemisphere, we must discuss what Washington can (realistically) do to help its ally.

Ep. 44: Chaos for the Kurds Amidst US Withdrawal

Managing Editor Drew Griffin interviews Faysal Itani of the Atlantic Council on the US withdrawal from Syria, the identity of…

Hit Turkey Where it Hurts — Help Armenia

The best response to President Erdogan’s aggression in Syria is to recognize Turkey’s century-old genocide of Christians and help the…

The American Missions in Korea: Complete Success, Completely Forgotten
The American Missions in Korea: Complete Success, Completely Forgotten

The American-led Protestant missions in Korea achieved perhaps the most rapid and complete transformation of a nation in the history of Christianity, but they disappeared into almost complete obscurity by the time that the Korean War forced Americans to pay attention to Korea.

The Little-known History of Israel and the Kurds

In the fallout of President Trump decision to essentially abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria, one seemingly unlikely country offered…

Preachers and Spooks: Should US Missionaries Collaborate with US Intelligence Services?
Preachers and Spooks: Should US Missionaries Collaborate with US Intelligence Services?

Should US missionaries collaborate with US intelligence services? What if one’s home government invited the missionary to use lethal authorized force against a known terrorist target?

The NBA and the Long Arm of China

The NBA’s groveling reaction to Daryl Morey’s high crime of tweeting “Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong” sent shockwaves…

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