The Latest

Holy Mary, Mother of Vlad: Blessed Virgins, Indestructible Icons and Putin’s Military Miracles

The Kremlin is busily deploying a new weapon to boost their troops’ flagging morale: counterfeit miracles of Christ, Mary and the Saints.

Learning from Lenin on the Centenary of his Death

In 2024, on the centenary of Vladimir Lenin’s death (1870-1924), the study of his writings is as important than ever

King Baudouin of Belgium: Portrait of a Devout Unifier

30 years ago, Belgium lost King Baudouin, a devout Catholic monarch

The U.S. is Losing in Lebanon

America needs to face the reality that Lebanon and Hezbollah are inextricably entangled

The Consequence of Reckless Words

Trump’s reckless words about NATO obscure the necessary and mutually beneficial nature of America’s system of alliances

Niebuhr and Gandhi: Comparative Religious Realism

Ghandi and Niebuhr both believed in the power of religion to shape societies and history

De-escalation Will Not Solve the Houthi Problem

The Biden Administration’s strategy of de-escalation at all costs has not been working against Iran and its proxies

Shielding the Nation?

Dictators dishonor and corrupt, if not ruin their nations.

Dear Evangelical Christians: Please Remember Ukraine

For a repressive dictator, Vladimir Putin enjoys a puzzling amount of support among Americans with religious values.

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