
The Latin American Good Samaritan and the Venezuelan Exodus - Venezuela Refugee
The Latin American Good Samaritan and the Venezuelan Exodus

An estimated 10 percent of Venezuela’s population has fled the country, putting stress on other governments in Latin America since these nations still have their own challenges.

The United Nations’ Shameful Treatment of Persecuted Christians
The United Nations’ Shameful Treatment of Persecuted Christians

Discriminatory policies and negligence within the United Nations are aggravating a crisis among Christians in the Middle East.

Iraqi Christians: The Forgotten Refugees
Iraqi Christians: The Forgotten Refugees

We as Christians are called to remember that “if one member suffers, all suffer together,” so we cannot forget these Iraqi Christian refugees.

America Should Support the Rohingya and Place Sanctions on Burmese Military
America Should Support the Rohingya and Place Sanctions on Burmese Military

The Burmese military is the primary perpetrator of violence against Rohingya. Villages in Maungdaw township on the border with Bangladesh are almost completely empty because Rohingya fled the brutal violence. The United Nations is calling it a textbook case of ethnic cleansing, and Human Rights Watch believes it may constitute crimes against humanity.

What You Should Know About the Rohingya Refugee Crisis
What You Should Know About the Rohingya Refugee Crisis

Bangladesh is building one of the world’s largest refugee camps to house the hundreds of thousands of stateless Rohingya people fleeing Myanmar. Here’s what you should know about what the UN Refugee Agency calls the fastest-growing refugee emergency in the world today.

Do Not Be Afraid – Help is on the Way
Do Not Be Afraid – Help is on the Way

In the midst of dire circumstances, civil society and church communities in Lebanon are providing necessary assistance to Syrian refugees. And the fulfillment of many refugees’ dreams rests on the generosity and sacrifice of countless individuals deciding to serve their community.

Helping Refugees Survive Homeland
Helping Refugees Survive in Their Homeland

Scripture can help Christians find consensus on U.S. policy that best helps refugees and persecuted minorities in the Middle East.

The Failure of Government & the Rise of the Strongmen

When the government fails to provide peace, order, and justice, justifiably angry and fearful citizens will seek to procure those things for themselves

The Syrian Civil War & the Refugee Crisis

More than 250,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four-and-a-half years of armed conflict, and 11 million—half of the Syrian…

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