
Are Turkey’s Elections Legitimate?

It is very likely that no matter who Turkey votes for, the votes will be recorded as Erdogan’s regime desires

Turkey: the Dissident Prison

With the 2023 presidential elections looming, the Turkish government is escalating its aggression against dissident journalists, human rights defenders, and Kurdish political activists in the country.

Turkey Uses Mass Detention Campaigns against Kurds - Newroz
Turkey Uses Mass Detention Campaigns against Kurds

Millions of people in many places across the world celebrated Newroz (the Kurdish and Persian New Year) on March 19-23 with their families and loved ones. Kurds across Turkey also organized mass celebrations, but that came with a heavy price.

The Untold Story of Syrian Kurdish Christians

The story of Kurdish Christians and all other religious minorities in the Middle East is one of great suffering, but it is also a story of survival and great resilience. Fortunately, there is time to save northeast Syria as a refuge for these communities, but only if the international community offers immediate support.

Ep. 44: Chaos for the Kurds Amidst US Withdrawal

Managing Editor Drew Griffin interviews Faysal Itani of the Atlantic Council on the US withdrawal from Syria, the identity of…

Hit Turkey Where it Hurts — Help Armenia

The best response to President Erdogan’s aggression in Syria is to recognize Turkey’s century-old genocide of Christians and help the…

The Little-known History of Israel and the Kurds

In the fallout of President Trump decision to essentially abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria, one seemingly unlikely country offered…

America May Need to Support an Independent Kurdistan Soon
America May Need to Support an Independent Kurdistan Soon

We shouldn’t redraw existing borders carelessly. But when trying to hold a state together becomes more disruptive to international order than allowing it to break apart, when one group mistreats another within a state, when a government loses the ability and authority to govern, the sensible course is to let that state dissolve.

Turkey Starts Jihad on Syrian Kurds
Turkey Starts Jihad on Syrian Kurds

In October of last year, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), backed by the United States, liberated the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, who had proclaimed it to be the capital of its caliphate. Four months later, NATO member Turkey has opened a military campaign in the Syrian region Afrin against the same Kurds who led the fight against ISIS.

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