US Military

transgender military fit
Trump & the Transgender Ban

From the Newsletter: It’s all a question of fitness

What You Should Know About the National Security Act
What You Should Know About the National Security Act

Seventy years ago this week, President Harry Truman signed into law the National Security Act of 1947. Here is what you should know about “the law that transformed America.”

What You Should Know About the F-35 Program
What You Should Know About the F-35 Program

Here is what you should know about the F-35 program, the most expensive military weapons system in history.

marines peacemakers
Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Peacemakers are not peacekeepers

A Faith Vocation: Skills & Opportunities for Peacemaking
A Faith Vocation: Skills and Opportunities for Peacemaking

For young American Christians aspiring to a vocation intersecting faith and public life, a career in peacemaking and statecraft can afford the opportunity to positively influence US national attitudes in this area, if such aspirations are paired with proper training and certain cardinal virtues.

General Almond's Decision at Hungnam
General Almond’s Decision at Hungnam

The South Koreans, including recently elected President Moon Jae-in, have never forgotten General Almond’s decision to rescue refugees from the Communists during the Hungnam evacuation.

A Shield for Faith: The U.S. Military and Religious Freedom
A Shield for Faith: The U.S. Military and Religious Freedom

In a world where might makes right, it is the U.S. military—not international treaties, presidential speeches, UN resolutions, protest marches, Wall Street, or Wal-Mart—that protects us from enemies who would either stamp out all faiths or force submission to one faith.

Once the Shooting Stops: U.S. Military Forces in the Aftermath of War Review of Drawdown: The American Way of Postwar
Once the Shooting Stops: U.S. Military Forces in the Aftermath of War

Drawdown: The American Way of Postwar is a fascinating analysis not of how the U.S. fights wars, but what it does in their aftermath.

Good Friday self-sacrifice
On Golgotha: Self-Donation & American Power

Good Friday has something to say about individual and national service

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