Catholic Church

Pope Francis integral disarmament
Integral Disarmament: Or, How to Abandon Tradition, Reason, and Your Flock

Advocates of Integral Disarmament believe the weapons of war are inherently evil. Their consequent prescriptions leave the innocent defenseless

Pope Francis Met with Christian Leaders from Lebanon: Now What?
Pope Francis Met with Christian Leaders from Lebanon: Now What?

On July 1, 2021, Pope Francis met with an ecumenical group of Christian leaders from Lebanon to discuss and pray for the rapidly declining state of the Mediterranean country.

Being Catholic Means Standing Up for the Jews
Being Catholic Means Standing Up for the Jews

Catholics have a unique and urgent responsibility to confront antisemitism wherever they find it.

How Pope Francis Reminds Us of Good Friday and Easter Sunday
How Pope Francis Reminds Us of Good Friday and Easter Sunday

One important theme of the pontificate of Pope Francis has been a message of hope to Christians in the Middle East and Africa that they are not forgotten.

Marksism — No. 39: Barth, Bonhoeffer, and an Ayatollah
Marksism — No. 39: Barth, Bonhoeffer, an Ayatollah, and Ethics

We’re going to discuss three pieces from Providence this week. Firstly, an interview with Joshua Mauldin at the Center for Theological Inquiry at Princeton, regarding his new book on Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and modern politics. Secondly, we will discuss Paul Marshall’s piece on the Ayatollah Sistani and Islamic rule, or Islamic rule in Iraq. And finally, Marc LiVecche will share about his own piece on integrity.

Baghdeda, Qaraqosh, Al-Hamdaniya: Three Names for One Assyrian City
Baghdeda, Qaraqosh, Al-Hamdaniya: Three Names for One Assyrian City

Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq was the first of its kind in papal history. The remaining Christians in Iraq long anticipated his visit, including to an Assyrian city just 23 miles (37 kilometers) east of Mosul.

Western Media Misunderstand Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Views on Religion and Politics – Pope Francis – Islam
Western Media Misunderstand Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Views on Religion and Politics

Western media rightly praised Pope Francis’ historic trip to Iraq for opening new doors in Christian-Muslim relations. But they misunderstood Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Husaini Sistani’s views on religion and politics.

Pope’s Visit Offers an Opportunity for Christians in Iraq
Pope Francis’ Visit Offers an Opportunity for Christians in Iraq

Hopefully, Pope Francis’ trip to visit the Christians in Iraq will not only lift their spirits but also inspire change so that they can stay and prosper in their ancient homeland, which would benefit all of Iraq.

American Catholic Schools Need to Take Active Measures in the Fight Against Antisemitism - Tree of Life Synagogue
American Catholic Schools Need to Take Active Measures in the Fight against Antisemitism

The Catholic community has come a long way in its relationship with its Jewish brothers and sisters, but there is more to be done. American Catholics can no longer be passive in our fight against antisemitism; we must be active, and we can start in our Catholic schools.

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