Catholic Church

Blessed are the Peacemakers
Blessed are the Peacemakers

The Catholic tradition reminds us that just war thinking is critical to peacemaking.

Pope Francis on Just War and Ukraine

Does the Catholic Church still believe in the doctrine of just war? Last week, Pope Francis told Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, “At one time we also spoke in our churches of holy war or just war. Today we cannot speak like that.”

Joe Capizzi Talks Catholic Political Theology at Baylor
Joe Capizzi Talks Catholic Political Theology at Baylor

Joseph Capizzi spoke at Baylor University about Catholic political theology.

Marksism – No. 75: Olympics, Integralism, Taiwan
Marksism – No. 75: Olympics, Integralism, Taiwan

This week the editors discuss articles about the Olympics, integralism and post-liberalism, and Taiwan.

Postliberalism and a World of Pure Imagination
Postliberalism and a World of Pure Imagination

Late last year, Adrian Vermeule published “‘It Can’t Happen’; Or, the Poverty of Political Imagination,” an article that critiques what he calls the “futility trope” used by conservative critics of postliberalism.

Charles De Koninck vs. Jacques Maritain: Theologians and Their Choices
Charles De Koninck vs. Jacques Maritain: Philosophers and Their Choices

Either Catholics consider the genius and limits of both Charles De Koninck and Jacques Maritain, or they disregard them both. The latter is unacceptable, given that surrendering the genius is too high a cost.

Catholic Social Teaching on War and Peace
Catholic Social Teaching on War and Peace

At the Christianity and National Security Conference, Joseph Capizzi spoke about Catholic social teaching on the just war tradition.

Alasdair MacIntyre - Doing Justice to Human Dignity
Doing Justice to Human Dignity

“As one might expect, for some, MacIntyre’s proposition to retire the concept of human dignity rang some alarm bells.”

Marksism – No. 59: Utilitarian Christianity, Niebuhrs, Integral Disarmament, and Pope Francis

This week the editors discuss a 1946 debate between H. Richard Niebuhr and others about “Utilitarian Christianity,” and a recent discussion about “Integral Disarmament.”

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