Christian Ethics

The Morality of Assassinating Iran’s Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
The Morality of Assassinating Iran’s Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

The November 27 killing of Iranian nuclear physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in a roadside ambush near Absard, Iran, has engendered conversation about the morality, legality, and prudence of assassination.

Marksism | Ep. 26: Nukes and Learning from Losing
Marksism | Ep. 26: Nukes and Losing an Election like Churchill

In this week’s episode of Marksism, the editors discuss recent content on nuclear weapons and losing elections.

True North, Ep. 10 | Legitimate Authority and the Just War Tradition
True North, Ep. 10 | Legitimate Authority and the Just War Tradition

Marc LiVecche and Daniel Strand continue their series on the just war tradition by focusing on legitimate authority.

A World Free from Nuclear Weapons? A Happy Hour Discussion - Elbridge Colby Matthew Kroenig Rebeccah Heinrichs Drew Christiansen
A World Free from Nuclear Weapons? A Happy Hour Discussion

In the latest Prov-Happy Hour on November 30, a distinguished panel—featuring Marathon Initiative co-principle Elbridge Colby, Georgetown professor Matthew Kroenig, and…

“The Atomic Issue,” by Reinhold Niebuhr
The Atomic Issue

Reinhold Niebuhr in 1945: “For only a full understanding of the practically insuperable difficulties which confront us can arm us with the humility and the courage to seek for a solution of this problem radical enough to prevent the annihilation of civilization.”

The Atomic Bomb and the Crisis of Man
The Atomic Bomb and the Crisis of Man

Atomic power is here to stay for the remainder of human history. Unless man can control himself as well as atomic power according to the moral law, both will no doubt terminate within a comparatively few years.

America’s Theological Social Contract: The Mayflower Compact
America’s Theological Social Contract: The Mayflower Compact

At a time when some challenge the morality and religious character of America’s first founders, the plain facts of the 1620 Mayflower Compact, a theologically informed social compact for believers and non-believers alike, remind us of the good seeds planted in our shared past.

True North, Ep. 9 | Introduction to the Just War Tradition
True North, Ep. 9 | Overview of the Just War Tradition

In this introductory edition, Daniel Strand and Marc LiVecche launch a short series dedicated to a discussion of the just war tradition.

Marksism | Ep. 24: Ending WWI the Wrong Way and the Christian’s Cause

In this episode of Marksism, the editors discuss a 75-year-old article about what the Christian’s cause should be, why the Allies made a mistake in how they ended WWI, Josh Mitchell’s comments about the presidential election.

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