
Which Question Comes First for the Church - Reinhold Niebuhr - Atomic Bombs - Soviet Alliance
Which Question Comes First for the Church?

“Which Question Comes First for the Church?” by Reinhold NiebuhrNovember 12, 1945 In both the religious and the secular world…

Day 2: Rolling the Credits - Yule Blog
Day 2: Rolling the Credits

As we start to look at this whole Christmas phenomenon, it makes sense to begin with the basics. The first questions any sensible person asks about Christmas are pretty straightforward: What event is this holiday supposed to commemorate, and do we know that it actually happened?

Contrasts at Christmas
Contrasts at Christmas

Christmas alone is perfectly congruous, for Christmas brings to the surface those imperishable values for which men in all this struggle of power are really groping. It focuses men’s thoughts, at least for the moment, upon the secret of ultimate power.

A Conversation with Richard Franks on Tower of Skulls and World War II
A Conversation with Richard Frank on Tower of Skulls and World War II

In this author talk, executive editor Marc LiVecche speaks with award-winning military historian Richard Frank about Tower of Skulls: A…

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkey Is Following Path of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq Pakistan
Erdogan’s Turkey Is Following Path of Zia’s Pakistan

Islamist terrorists have struck Europe again. The attack in Vienna, Austria, following the attack in Nice, France, shows that while…

America’s Theological Social Contract: The Mayflower Compact
America’s Theological Social Contract: The Mayflower Compact

At a time when some challenge the morality and religious character of America’s first founders, the plain facts of the 1620 Mayflower Compact, a theologically informed social compact for believers and non-believers alike, remind us of the good seeds planted in our shared past.

Daughters of Yalta

Rough Transcript Tooley: Hello this is Mark Tooley, editor of Providence: A Journal of Christianity & American Foreign Policy, speaking…

Fight to Win: A Lesson from the Great War
Fight to Win: A Lesson from the Great War

It is because we desire the good of concord that we fight for a decisive end to conflict, one that secures and allows the enforcement of a durable peace.

Lessons & Leftovers of the Great War
Lessons and Leftovers of the Great War

A century after the Great War’s end, we still have much to learn from its lessons and still wrestle with its consequences and leftovers.

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