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Misunderstanding Copts in America: A Response to Candace Lukasik
Misunderstanding Copts in America: A Response to Candace Lukasik

Here lies the main problem with the article by Candace Lukasik: outside of its wrong claims, the article shows a clear lack of knowledge of anything resembling Coptic culture or history.

The Uses and Abuses of War Language in a Pandemic

Talking about a pandemic like it is an armed conflict obscures the clear distinctions between military and medical ethics, leading to faulty judgments and potentially creating additional moral and material harm.

What the Coronavirus Can Teach Us about Politics - COVID-19 Government
What the Coronavirus and Lockdowns Can Teach Us about Politics

Do not be too hard on politicians who struggle with and differ on their answers to these questions about the COVID-19 and the lockdowns. These are very hard things, and there is no indisputable right answer.

Abraham Kuyper Among the Nations
Abraham Kuyper among the Nations

We have an introductory, if provisional, picture of anti-Revolutionary foreign policy and Abraham Kuyper’s platform coming into the highest political office in the Netherlands in the early twentieth century. How did this platform fair? What “necessary adjustments” (as Kuyper called them) did he need to make between his Calvinistic international theory and the actual work of foreign policy?

On This Nakba Day, Palestinians Need New Leadership
On This Nakba Day, Palestinians Need New Leadership

Today, Nakba Day, marks 72 years since the 1948 war between the fledgling Jewish state and its Arab neighbors. But the most pressing issue for Palestinians today is not the existence of Israel. It is the absence of Palestinian leadership.

Why Christian Pragmatism Isn’t Realistic Enough

Simply being good in order to do good is not enough. That is true. But simply being skilled—to have what Machiavelli calls virtú (as opposed to virtue)—in order to do good is also not enough.

Ten Theses on Christian Realism: A Reply to Scott McKnight
Ten Theses on Christian Realism: A Reply to Scot McKnight

Scott McKnight recently posted a blog on Christian realism quoting long sections from Lee Camp’s new manifesto Scandalous Witness. Daniel Strand responds.

Christian Realism & Nationalism

Mark Tooley shares an engaging conversation with Rebeccah Heinrichs, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. Heinrichs covers a wide…

Turkey the Only NATO Member Singled out in Annual Religious Freedom Report
Turkey the Only NATO Member Singled out in Annual Religious Freedom Report

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2020 Annual Report and recommended the US government include Turkey on the State Department’s “Special Watch List” for “engaging in or tolerating severe violations of religious freedom.”

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